Drinking water contamination
Provision of safe water through piped water system at the households still remains a distant dream in developing nations. Hand pumps remain the main source of drinking water in Rural India, south Asia and Africa. The contamination of the groundwater by arsenic, fluoride and iron is quite significant in affecting the quality of rural poor in these countries. So far technologies were developed at a cost that is not affordable by rural poor.
Majority of the technologies deployed by government institutions fail because of operation and maintenance problem, lack of ownership and access. In the absence of appropriate technology, the rural poor continue to suffer andstruggle from contaminants in drinking water.
The “Affordable Water Solution” company was conceived by group of water treatment professionals with more than 2 decades of practical experience in drinking water and with a mission to develop a simple, low cost, user friendly water treatment technology to address the drinking water concerns at the households targeting the “Base of the Pyramid” population inhabiting the rural side of the country. Based on the extensive laboratory and field trail a few water treatment products was developed to tackle the contaminants in the drinking water. One Bucket System with spigot along with sachet makes the treatment user friendly and highly affordable. The R&D were carried out in Environmental Monitoring Service laboratory, Auroville, Tamil Nadu, India and validated by third party.