Emergency Water Purifier sachets

EWP sachets is a powdered mixture that removes arsenic, iron, fluoride, pathogenic organisms and suspended solids rendering contaminated water into safe drinking water. It has been developed by "Environmental Monitoring Service" laboratory in Auroville, Tamil Nadu, India. All chemical used in EWP production made in India. In sachet formula preparation used advantages of modern inorganic coagulants such as Polyaluminum chloride (PAC) and Poly ferric sulphate (PFS). PAC has excellent property to remove from water turbidity and fluoride, PFS excellent coagulant to purify water from arsenic, mercury and other heavy metals. Calcium hypochlorite used as disinfectant.
How does it work?
Just add the content of a EWP sachet into 10 litres of contaminated water. Next stir the water vigorously during 1,5 minutes. Result: muddy water becomes clear, disease-causing bacteria, viruses and protozoa are removed and heavy metals are removed within 30 minutes time. Dirt particles flock together and sink to the bottom of the bucket. If the water has some floating debris, a filter (cotton cloth) placed on the clean bucket can be used to remove them. If no floating debris is found, the water can be immediately poured into the storage bucket. Make sure not to pour the precipitate out of the mixing bucket. The treated water in the storage bucket is fit for human consumption.
Benefits of the EWP sachets:
Excellent removal of bacteria (99,999%), protozoan (99,9%) and viruses (99,999%);
Very effective removal of fluoride, iron, arsenic and mercury contamination;
Mixing time is only 1,5 minutes;
A long shelf life of over 3 years.
Material required to use EWP sachets:
- Scissor, knife or sharp object to open the pouch and sachet.
- Two 10 liter buckets preferably one bucket for treatment and one for storage of treated water
- Washable cotton cloth filter to remove larger particles from water. It can be supplied along with sachets
- A wooden stick of 1 cm diameter and of sufficient length for stirring. It could be supplied along with sachets.
How to use:
Step 1. Open the plastic pouch take one sachet and open it by using scissors. Add the contents of the sachet into a bucket containing 10 liters of contaminated water.
Step 2. Stir the water vigorously for 1-2 minutes using the wooden stick.
Step 3. Remove wooden stick. Wait for 30 minutes for flocks to settle down, the water become clear.
Step 4. If the water after treatment does not contain any floating debris it can be poured directly to the clean storage bucket. If the water has some floating debris, a filter (cotton cloth) placed on the clean bucket can be used to remove them.
Please note: The mud particles that settle at the bottom of the bucket after the purification process, cannot be filtered with the cloth filter. By carefully pouring water into a clean bucket, the more heavy mud particles will stay in the bucket.
Step 5. The water in the clean bucket is safe and ready for consumption.
Taste of treated water and types of water to be treated:
The treatment does not affect the taste of the water. Only some minor taste of chlorine can be present proofing that the disinfectant inside the sachets is working. Except for salt water, all types of muddy and clear water containing dangerous bacteriological, chemical and physical contamination can be treated using the EWP sachets
Proof of quality:
We are in the process of getting the sachets approved by the WHO and other independent International approved test laboratories. Please let us know if you are interested in the detailed water test reports so far obtained.